Lately you have been feeling anxious, worried, or fearful often. You may even be experiencing physical effects of an excess of anxiousness such as headaches, muscle tension, or stomach problems. Anxiety is one of the most common reasons why people seek therapy services. Anxiety affects everyone differently. Some of my clients struggle in public, talking to strangers, public speaking, asking for raises, giving presentations at work, and at job interviews. In therapy we refer to this as social anxiety. Other folks struggle with worrying about many different things and spending a lot of time during their day thinking about their worries (generalized anxiety disorder). Other people struggle with obsessive compulsive disorder, which can come with obsessions about harm, cleanliness, germs, and things not feeling quite right. Some people with anxiety have occasional panic attacks while others have them frequently.
I have experience working with clients with separation anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobias, panic disorders, and social anxiety.
I am trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Exposure with Response Prevention, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Anxiety treatment also requires you to learn more about anxiety and learn effective calming skills to calm the part of our brain is affected by anxiety.
Anxiety is your challenger! We must figure out a plan to help you stop the voice in your head, that keeps bugging you about everything. Your appearance, not being good enough, saying the wrong thing, or making a mistake. We need to figure out what your voice of anxiety is saying to you, and help you find a way to put an end to the noise in your head. I want you to be able to chill out on your sofa and binge-watch Netflix without the voice of anxiety criticizing you every minute! I want my momma clients to be able to play with blocks on the floor with their toddlers and feel like they are present in the current moment!
You had this upsetting experience in your past. It still affects your life today. You have nightmares and maybe even flashbacks. You have tried to "just move on," and tried to "brush it under the rug." But the memories keep bugging you when you are trying to live your life. It is costing you joy, energy, and adventures. Trauma also has stopped you from enjoying your life to the fullest.
I help ladies work through traumatic experiences or upsetting events from their past. Whatever that may be; upsetting car accidents, traumatic grief, sexual abuse, natural disasters, divorce, physical abuse, dating violence, or bullying when they were younger.
The effects of trauma can include flashbacks, nightmares, re-experiencing, avoidance of reminders, sleeplessness/insomnia, and being on the lookout for danger/hypervigilance. Anxiety, depression, inability to trust others, and low self-esteem can also be symptoms. It is essential to be aware that trouble concentrating and difficulty staying still can also be symptoms of traumatic experiences.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) is an evidenced based treatment for PTSD. I can explain it more when we meet for our first session and you can decide if it would be a good fit for you!
I love to help people heal and find joy on their journey.
I offer Christian Counseling upon request, and allow clients to dictate how much if any of their faith they wish to bring to their counseling sessions. Many clients prefer to begin in prayer; some choose to end each session in prayer. I have other clients who prefer biblical based therapy, and others who like to just know that I share their faith and am comfortable with them discussing their faith in sessions.
CBT is a brief-time limited therapy typically used with adolescents and adults, however children can be taught aspects of CBT. Identifies thoughts that contribute to anxiety and depression and teaches clients to replace those unhelpful thoughts. Through CBT I also teach client’s relaxation techniques such as meditation and we discuss increasing mindfulness. CBT most typically treats anxiety and depression. But can also be used to treat phobias, anger issues, mood issues, disordered eating, and much more! Let me know if I can help!
EMDR is a form of psychotherapy. It can help clients heal from trauma or other distressing life events. It can be used with children, teenagers, and adults. Here is an article that explains some more about EMDR, however we can discuss this at your first session to see if this treatment is right for you! Find out more information about Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing here.
ERP encourages the confrontation of feared stimuli. It can be external (heights, spiders, messiness), or internal (racing heart, sweating, The goal is to reduce the person's reaction to the stimulus. In ERP treatment we learn to tolerate uncertainty, to tolerate anxiety, and to not engage in avoidance behavior. Avoidance behavior may decrease anxiety in the short term but is not a long term solution. In ERP people will feel anxious at first, but slowly they learn that the feared situation does not lead to the feared consequence.