Social Anxiety Disorder by Jenn Lowe, M.A., LCMHC, RPT

Nov 29
Social Anxiety Disorder

Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder

  • Fear of public scrutiny
  • Fear of being embarrassed
  • Fear of being negatively judged by others
  • Fear is persistent
  • Social situations almost always elicit fear.
  • Feared social situations are avoided or endured with intense fear.
  • Significant distress

I always tell my clients that before we go to therapy, avoidance is how we get through social anxiety. It’s our most common coping skill. Folx with social anxiety worry that other people will notice that they are anxious.

“I sweat a lot, I don’t shake hands because someone will notice that I’m all sweaty”

“My face turns red sometimes people point it out.”

“I get really jittery when I’m nervous, and people think I wiggle too much.”

How does Jenn help people with social anxiety?

  • If there is a previous trauma, we will treat the underlying trauma with something called EMDR. Some folx do have social anxiety because they threw up in the middle of the classroom in 3rd grade, had a college professor publicly humiliate them, or were bullied in middle school
  • Next, I teach my clients a little bit about social anxiety disorder, how our brain works, what the amygdala is, and what cortisol does to and for our body.
  • Social anxiety disorder is also treated by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, addressing the things that our brain says to us that is making us feel more anxious. “You mispronounced that word; people are going to think you are dumb.”
  • We will role play in therapy, learn positive coping skills, do imaginal exposures, and do exposures in the office together.
  • When clients are ready I also assign some exposure therapy for them to do outside of the therapy room.

Anxiety wants you to believe that the worst things will happen and that you won’t be able to handle it. That is a lie. You can handle anxious situations, and I can help!

Book a free 10-minute phone consult today!